Makeup for Glasses - how to make your eyes look bigger when you have myopia
Hello Foxies! Welcome back to my blog!
Today I’m going to show you how to do makeup for glass — or the way that I do makeup for glasses.
I have a condition called myopia, also known as near-sightedness. If you are near-sighted or knkow someone that is near-sighted, you know that when you’re wearing your glasses that your eyes just look smaller.
When you’re wearing your glasses, your eyes look smaller.
I’ll show you. Here are my eyes with glasses on and glasses off.
Our goal today is make our eyes look larger underneath our glasses so that they match our face they was that they do when we’re wearing contacts.
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I’m going to show a comparison of the way that I do my makeup versus the way that I shouldn’t do my makeup (because my eyes would look even smaller).
I suppose that if you have the opposite condition called hyperopia, which is far-sightedness, your eyes look larger with glasses on. You could use the opposite techniques here to help your eyes look smaller.
take a medium shade of brown an apply all over lid and crease
The first thing I’m going to do is select my lightest transition shade, and put it in my crease and above only
Take a dark brown and darken the outer and inner corner of the eye. Two really great neutral/brown palettes are:
Then I’m going to use a slighter darker color, and darken the outer part of my eye
Taking a metallic color and brush over the center third of the eye
With my lightest or most reflective shade, I’m going to brush this along the inner corner of my eye
I’m using a black eyeliner and lining above the lash line and also in the waterline. The black lines close off the eye making it look dark and smaller.
For my eye pencil, I’m going to either select a white shade or a reflective shade. Here I have a metallic silver which will reflect the light and keep my eyes looking bright and open.
I’m extending my eye by placing a thin line of concealer in a small wing shape. I then outline that with liquid black liner.
I’m applying mascara to upper and lower lashes
I’m applying mascara to only the upper lashes. I do this because I don’t want any mascara smudging under the eye causing a shadow
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